About us

Dance is an essential educational part of life-long learning.

Idaho Dance Education Organization (IDEO) is a state affiliate of the National Dance Education Organization and is dedicated to the art form of dance as an essential educational component of life-long learning.

The Primary Goals of IDEO include:

  • IDEO will develop a membership comprised of dancers, educators, choreographers, presenters, collaborative artists, administrators, dance companies, educational institutions, and advocates. This will provide an opportunity for increased effectiveness in networking, advocacy for dance, dissemination of information, and communication.

  • IDEO will improve the quality and training of dance education in Idaho by providing opportunities for creating, performing, and observing dance for all. The organization will address professional development, research and documentation, assessment, and leadership.

  • IDEO will build and support an Idaho dance community that focuses on the education of the whole person in and through dance as an art and as a cultural manifestation.

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Boise, ID
